La sorveglianza microbiologica post-ricondizionamento degli endoscopi flessibili termolabili

9 Dic 2021 Miscellanea

Documento multi-societario di SIMPIOS, ANOTE-ANIGEA, AIGO, AICO, AIOS, AIPO-ITS, ISSE e SIED


Beatrice Casini, Angelo Pan, Alessandra Guarini, Cinzia Rivara, Angelo Zullo, Fabio Monica, Monica Cimbro, Salvatore Casarano, Agostino Inglese, Adriano Vaghi, Luigi Schiffino, Erminio Capezzuto, Paola Da Massa Carrara, Luigi Pasquale


The potential transmission of infections with endoscopes, particularly duodenoscopes, has been documented in recent years. To reduce this risk, different scientific societies have delivered recommendations on improving
reprocessing procedures and microbial surveillance on endoscopes. Based on the importance of this issue, 8 Italian scientific societies of physicians, nurses and technical operators have prepared a joint document which takes into account institutional advisories and facilities across Italy. The recommendations for a correct microbial surveillance on endoscopes was detailed in terms of what, how and when to perform the procedure, including suggestions on what to do in the event of contamination.

Casini B, Pan A, Guarini A et al. La sorveglianza microbiologica post-ricondizionamento degli endoscopi flessibili termolabili. GIED. 2022 Dec:30-40.


